Supporting & Guiding You to Embody your Light
Certified Health, Wellness & Life Coach
Certified Metaphysician Practitioner
Code of Deontology of the coaches affiliated to Coaching City Network
This deontology code is established by the Coaching City network.
It applies to all coaching interventions, whatever form they have: initiated or taken care of directly by the client or a third party – usually the employer.
The members of the Coaching City network intervene in missions that can be in the personal domain of life, as well as the professional one.
These missions all have the same end goal:
• Contribute to the optimization of the capacities and resources peculiar to each person, each team or company.
• Enable each entity to evolve consciously and responsibly in the learning areas that are peculiar to them in order to be in a dynamic progress (improved self-esteem, goal achievement, strategic vision definition, etc.….)
In all cases, the Coach is in a position to unconditionally support the person, or group of people, they accompany.
Under no circumstances the Coach can substitute to this person or group of people to make decisions for them.
Responsibilities of the Coach
Training: Each Coach of the Coaching City network can prove that they have been trained to the Coaching practice through a recognized professional organization (or that they are currently in training).
Supervision: Each Coach of the Coaching City network can prove that they are permanently supervised and that they use this option on a regular basis for their coaching activities.
Personal Development: Each coach of the Coaching City network commits in getting external help in their personal development path. Therefore, each coach of the Coaching City network has followed or is following a personal development or therapeutic course in order to gain a precise knowledge of themselves.
Probity: Each coach of the Coaching City network legally commits to not adhere to any of the 20 cults listed as dangerous by the MILS (Mission Interministérielle de Lutte contre les Sectes: French Intra-Ministry Mission in charge of fighting the cults).
Responsibilities of the Coach towards the Coachee
Agreement: Each Coach of the Coaching City network commits in an agreement-based relationship established with their client, mentioning at least the object of the mission, its length and its fees.
Best effort undertaking: One of the core principles of coaching is that the Coachee is its sole master of their decisions and the results they imply. Therefore, the Coach remains in their mission framework: to accompany the client to implement the Coachee’s resolutions. Each Coach of the Coaching City network commits consciously to use their entire set of competencies and all the ways they judge appropriate for the mission success.
Clarity: Each coach of the Coaching City network commits to not take a mission for which they don’t feel qualified enough. If necessary, they will suggest a fellow coach so that the mission is a success for the client.
Respect: Each coach of the Coaching City network practices their profession in full respect of the fundamental Human rights as listed in the « Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme » (Universal Declaration of Human Rights). They will respect their client in their identity and will make sure they don’t abuse of their power of influence. Their supervision space will enable them to regulate the power - permission – force stakes as well as the power - dependence stakes on others.
Loyalty: Each coach of the Coaching City network commits under all circumstances to be entirely loyal, based on the unconditional respect of the personal values of the Client, who honored them with their trust, and to do all that is possible to save their legal interests.
Integrity: Each coach of the Coaching City network refrains:
• to accept for a set mission, any other remuneration than the one agreed upon with the client.
• to seek or accept from a third part, against the client’s will, any benefit, any commission or compensation of any sort.
• any action, maneuver or declaration that could directly or indirectly harm a fellow coach reputation or be prejudicial to their business.
• to obtain deals, to use incompatible with the profession dignity ways, particularly to publish articles or texts that have laudatory connotations.
Confidentiality: Each coach of the Coaching City network commits to respect the rules of professional secrecy protecting the strict confidentiality of the information related to the client and their possible partners.
Responsibilities of the Coach in a company environment
Adaptability: Each coach of the Coaching City network intervening in a company must take in account all the information related to the organizational context and the company culture so they are in comprehension of the basic referential structure of the company they work with.
Restitution: The coaching relationship that is established in a company is usually tripartite. Therefore, the contractor is allowed to receive the elements of appreciation of the mission. Nevertheless, this information cannot be done without prior agreement of the Coachee, and in the exclusive framework of their agreement.
Congruence: Each coach of the Coaching City network commits to practice their mission making sure that there is a congruence between the Coachee best interests and the company’s ones.
Code of honor of the Coach towards the profession
Alliance: Each coach of the Coaching City network commits to be working with and helping their fellow coaches, collaborate with them and refrain from any criticism or any denigration.
Competency Intelligence: Each coach of the Coaching City network commits to regularly update their competencies and not stay rooted on their experience. Keeping a continuous progress mindset regarding the competencies, new techniques, one self’s improvement is a pledge of professionalism.
Commitment to Coaching City
Each coach member commits, under exclusion penalty, to respect the deontology rules of Coaching City in putting their initials on each page of this code and in signing the last page of this document. Any confirmation of mission signed with a Client must explicitly refer to this code of deontology, which distribution to the beneficiaries of the services is highly recommended.
When a dispute arises between a Coach and their Client, Coaching City can offer a legal remedy represented by different members of the profession, in order to find an agreement between the parties, referring to the Code of Deontology as a practice warrant.